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Why Abraham's Seed?

Blog ini diberi nama Abraham's Seed "Karena jika kita adalah milik Kristus kita juga adalah keturunan Abraham dan berhak menerima janji Allah." (Gal 3:29)

This blog is named with Abraham's Seed because "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Gal 3:29)
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Monday, December 01, 2008

Are You On Fire?

Today's Confession: “I will not settle for a life with no purpose. God has a plan for my life, and He will bring it to pass!”As we allow God to ignite within us His vision, purpose, and dreams for our life, it will begin to intensify and grow until it completely consumes our very being. Just like fire.


As with fire, your dream needs ignition and fuel to burn. God will ignite a dream in your heart, but YOU must continually add the fuel of the Word of God to your dream in order to keep it burning. There will be opportunities for other people, the enemy, and even yourself to try to throw water on your dreams, but you must continually protect and feed your dream until it comes to pass. Be determined NOW to let that fire motivate you, drive you and consume you to keep your dreams alive!


Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”


People without a vision are nonproductive people! There is nothing more tragic than to let go of your vision and have no drive, no motivation and no fire!


You can get around certain people and know in five minutes - they have no vision! Why? They have no fire! They have no drive! No motivation! They are just - existing! Their favorite scripture is “Come quickly, Lord Jesus!” They just want out!


But, when you spend time in God’s Word and realize that God has called YOU for a purpose, there is a zeal or a fire that burns on the inside of you. Just knowing that God thinks so much of you that He called YOU to fulfill this calling should excite you!


It is very easy to become relaxed and not go after anything, but you have to hunger for more of God’s Word and hunger for your dreams to be fulfilled. Don’t just settle for a life with no purpose! God wants to use YOU! Will you let Him?

Today's Confession: “I will not settle for a life with no purpose. God has a plan for my life, and He will bring it to pass!”

By : Jerry Savelle

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