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Why Abraham's Seed?

Blog ini diberi nama Abraham's Seed "Karena jika kita adalah milik Kristus kita juga adalah keturunan Abraham dan berhak menerima janji Allah." (Gal 3:29)

This blog is named with Abraham's Seed because "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Gal 3:29)
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Friday, August 29, 2008

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
and the things of earth will go strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace

Vocal By : Hillsong

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Power of Focus

Dua Minggu lalu saya sedang dinas ke Yogyakarta, saya menginap di salah satu hotel yang bersebelahan dengan mall. Di malam harinya setelah seharian kunjungan ke Dealer, saya bersama satu teman kantor saya, Nanang berjalan-jalan di mall tersebut. Untuk pertama kalinya saya bermain bowling bersama Nanang. Hahah.. Ternyata cukup menyenangkan permainan bowling tersebut, hingga Nanang mengajak untuk bermain 2 set.

Meski sempat menjatuhkan bola hingga dua kali, saya belajar sesuatu dari permainan ini. Setelah beberapa kali lemparan saya temukan rahasianya, yaitu fokus ke sasaranmu, fokus ke tujuanmu. Itu artinya arahkan pandangan matamu ke tujuan yang ingin kamu tuju. Begitu saya arahkan pandangan saya ke kesepuluh pin, saya fokuskan mata saya ke kesepuluh pin hasilnya cukup memuaskan, paling tidak 3 pin terjatuh. Dan luar biasanya untuk pertama kalinya saya melakukan strike, 10 pin terjatuh dalam sekali lemparan, lemparan pertama di set kedua. Hahahah.. entah itu mungkin ada faktor keberuntungan, tapi saya rasa ada faktor The Power of Focus yang ikut bekerja.

Saya teringat pengajaran seorang guru balap, lihat ke tujuanmu. Ketika kendaraan terlempar keluar dari lintasan balap, jangan memandang ke arah terlemparnya kendaraan, karena akan membuat kendaraan anda makin jauh terlempar. Sebaliknya pandanglah ke depan, ke lintasan balap hal ini akan membuat kendaraan akan kembali ke lintasan. Hal itu saya alami juga di permainan bowling, pada lemparan-lemparan pertama saya, saya fokus bagaimana cara saya melempar. Akibatnya saya tidak fokus ke sasaran dan banyak lemparan yang tidak mengenai pin.

Saya percaya hal ini juga berlaku dalam hidup kita sehari-hari. Let's focus to our purpose.
"So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you'll see it yet! Now that we're on the right track, let's stay on it." (Phil 3:15)

Related Articles : Why Abraham's Seed ?

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Yesus berkata bahwa Dia adalah pokok dan kita carang - carangNya. Coba renungkan, apa yang carang - carang itu harus upayakan supaya menghasilkan buah? Praktis tidak ada bukan. Dia tidak berbuat apapun. Yang dilakukan hanyalah melekat pada pokok atau batang. Carang itu cukup hanya melekat dan segala sesuatunya dialirkan dalam dirinya. 559150879_91d9a3874e

Maka demikian juga dengan kita. Bagian kita adalah tetap melekat pada Yesus. Dan biarkan Tuhan mengaliri kita dengan anugerahNya. Itulah yang namanya hidup dalam penyerahan total. Kita sudah mencoba banyak hal. Kita telah berupaya dengan segala upaya. Tapi pernahkah mencoba untuk menyerah? Cobalah... Melekatlah... dan kecaplah aliran berkatNya. Amin

By His grace,

Pdt. Petrus Agung Purnomo

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wardrobe Change

Today I want to talk to you about your freedom. Isaiah 61:1-3 says that Jesus came to announce your freedom. He came to proclaim freedom to every captive of oppression, depression, loneliness, hopelessness, misery, etc. It says, "He changed their mourning to comfort." He will comfort you. He will change your mourning to joy. He will give you the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Apparently, these words spirit and garment are interchangeable in this verse because when the spirit of heaviness is on you, you wear it like a coat. If you see a person who has oppression and heaviness on them, it is as if they are wearing a garment of heaviness. It weighs them down. Jesus was saying, "I am going to redress you. I am going to change your attire. I am going to take off that old garment of heaviness, and I am going to put on you the new garment of praise" (Author's paraphrase).

But once Jesus puts this garment of praise on you, He expects you to wear it all the time. . . not just when it is time to go to church, not just when things are going well, not just when there's peace in your home and marriage, not just when you have all the money you need . . . but all the time.

At church, while you are singing you have your garment of praise on, but then you go home and begin looking around at everything, all the bills, all the problems and you say, "Well, I guess I better take my garment of praise off and put on my garment of heaviness."

The garment of heaviness seems like it fits real good. It's just your size. Satan makes it fit perfect; not too tight, not too baggy. It's your color. And it feels right. The reason we are uncomfortable wearing the garment of praise is because it is Jesus coat, and sometimes it doesn't fit us well. Why? Because we've become more used to the old garment of heaviness.

But it's time that we get rid of that garment of heaviness and start wearing the garment of praise until it fits. Just keep it on until it fits; until it is tailor-made for you. When you truly have a revelation of what Jesus did at Calvary, that heaviness will not stay on you. It doesn't matter what you are going through.

I am not talking about pretending situations in your life don't exist. I am not suggesting that you just play like none of those things are really happening. I am saying that you don't let situations steal your joy, your faith and your hope, that it will turn around. Don't allow your circumstances to dictate what you wear! Keep on the garment of praise!

Confession: "I will put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Jesus has set me free, and who the Son sets free is free indeed!"

by : Jerry Savelle

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Pesta Rakyat Merdeka

Yesterday, on 25 Agustus 2008 sebuah event BESAR diadakan di kota Semarang, tepatnya di pusat kota Semarang atau kalau orang Jawa bilang di alun-alunnya Kota Semarang, yaitu di simpang lima. Di acara ini "Pesta Rakyat Merdeka" Kita anak-anak Tuhan memberkati kota ini, ada potong rambut gratis, sunat masal gratis, pengobatan gratis, pasar murah dan yang ga kalah serunya ada pagelaran di sore harinya hingga malam hari.

Malam itu menjadi malam yang tidak seperti biasanya. Malam yang biasanya diadakan konser musik dangdut, musik pop atau rock, malam kali ini nama Yesus jadi populer. What a great history has been printed, sebuah pagelaran yang mau menyatakan bahwa Yesuslah Tuhan atas kota Semarang, atas bangsa Indonesia. . Nama Yesus dielu-elukan, dipuja dan disembah di tengah-tengah lapangan terbuka, dimana orang-orang awam yang sedang lewat mendengar dengan jelas puji-pujian, sorakan bahwa Yesuslah Tuhan. Doa kelahiran barupun diikuti oleh banyak umat yang hadir, inilah saatnya kaum Kedar dan Nebayot di bawa ke Tuhan. Hallelujah..

Berikut beberapa gambar yang sempat saya ambil tadi malam.

Ribuan warga menyerbu stand-stand yang menjual barang-barang kebutuhan pokok dengan harga murah.
1000 tiga 1000 tiga!!! hahahah..

Acara pagelaran yang meriah luar biasa. Nama Yesus ditinggikan luar biasa.

Benar-benar meriah seperti tahun baru saja.. ratusan kembang api dinyalakan..

Dengan menyanyikan I believe I can fly dan Dia Mengerti, Patudu, Juara 3 Indonesian Idol ikut memeriahkan acara pagelaran.

Nafa Urbach, Zack Lee, Jupiter ikut hadir memuji Tuhan dan bersaksi tentang Yesus yang sudah merubah hidupnya.

Cool Christian Clothing, T-Shirts, and Jewelry - C28 Christian Store

Choose Friends Wisely

– 1 Corinthians 5:9

The company you keep has such an influence on your spiritual life. Fellowshiping with godly people will help speed you on to victory, while fellowshiping with those who are ungodly will drag you down to defeat.

That's why the Bible has some things to say about your friends. That's why it tells you to separate yourself from the world. Because evil companions will corrupt you.

Now, I'm not talking about ministry. Jesus Himself ministered to sinners. You have to mix with them to preach to them and pray for them. What I'm talking about here are the people you choose for friends.

If you want to walk in the things of the Lord, don't choose friends who walk in the things of the devil, people who talk and act ungodly, who don't give God any place in their lives. They'll pull you down. As you rub shoulders with them, you'll expose yourself to temptation. You'll get so familiar with sin it will start to appear less repulsive to you. Sooner or later, you'll fall into it.

So choose your friends wisely. Fellowship with those who call on the Name of the Lord out of a pure heart (2 Tim. 2:22). Expose yourself to their love and peace. Let their faith rub off on you!

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 5:9-13

By : Kenneth Copeland

Cool Christian Clothing, T-Shirts, and Jewelry - C28 Christian Store

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Free At Last

When the Lord gave me the messages on freedom, I discovered that freedom is defined as the state of being exempt from the control of another. The opposite of freedom is bondage. Bondage is defined as subjection to captivity or restraint. If you’ve been a slave to the bondage of oppression and depression, then today is your day to decree that you are free . . . at last.

Can you imagine someone walking into a prison and saying, “I have come to announce today that you are free?” What do you think would happen in that place? “Oh, thank you, let me get my bag.” I don’t think so. I think there would be a riot.

If somebody walked into the finest hospital in your city and announced to every person who was sick, diseased, dying of incurable diseases: “I have come to announce to you today that you are healed. You are free. Go home and live a normal life.” What kind of response do you think you would hear from those people? Shouting, dancing, screaming, jumping; excitement everywhere!

Yet, we read passages from the Bible that clearly declare that we don’t have to live oppressed and miserable, we are free in Jesus, and what do we say? “Oh, let’s see what else I can find.”

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called the trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.” – Isaiah 61:1-3.

Jesus came to announce your freedom. He came to proclaim freedom to every captive of oppression, depression, loneliness, hopelessness, misery, etc. That includes you. . . today. Notice that it says, “He changed their mourning to comfort.” He will comfort you. He will change your mourning to joy. He will give you the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Apparently, these words spirit and garment are interchangeable in this verse because when the spirit of heaviness is on you, you wear it like a coat. If you see a person who has oppression and heaviness on them, it is as if they are wearing a garment of heaviness. It weighs them down. Jesus was saying, “I am going to redress you. I am going to change your attire. I am going to take off that old garment of heaviness, and I am going to put on you the new garment of praise” (Author’s paraphrase).

Friday, August 22, 2008


Hidup itu adalah hasil dari pilihan - pilihan. Sebagian karena pilihan - pilihan kita, tetapi juga karena pilihan - pilihan orang lain. Seberapa besar resiko pilihan kita itu? Jelas amat beresiko. Mungkin seperti dokter mata harus mengoperasi jantung, artinya kita sebenarnya adalah orang yang sangat tidak mampu membuat keputusan untuk diri sendiri atau orang lain. Kita tidak benar - benar punya pengalaman dalam hidup karena belum pernah hidup sebelumnya. Tetapi Yesus pernah hidup sebagai manusia, dicobai dalam segala hal, namun tidak berbuat dosa. Itulah sebabnya sebenarnya Yesuslah yang paling capable untuk buat keputusan atas hidup kita. Kalau begitu mengapa tidak biarkan Yesus yang buat keputusan atas hidup kita? Disitulah kita belajar menyerah dan akhirnya bisa ngglinding wae...

By His grace,
Pdt. Petrus Agung Purnomo

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Take All of Me

You broke the night light the sun
Heal my heart with Your great love
Any trouble I couldn't bear
You lifted me upon Your shoulder

Love that stronger
Love that covers sin
and takes the weight of the world

I love You all of my hope is in You
Jesus Christ take my life
take all of me

Stand on mountain tops with me
with You I walk through the valley
You gave Your only Son for me
Your grace is all I rely on

By : Marty Sampson - Hillsong

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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Dahan-dahannya Naik Mengatasi Tembok

Sering kali kita membatasi diri kita dengan pikiran kita tentang berbagai hal di kehidupan kita. Kita yang bekerja sebagai karyawan berpikir bahwa kita mendapatkan penghasilan hanya dari gaji kita dengan nilai yang tertera di slip gaji, "Yah, paling ya bulan ini dapatnya segitu, mefeet banget." Kita yang pelajar membatasi diri kita dengan berpikir bahwa "Wah kalo Mat, paling Aku hanya bisa mendapat nilai 7." Dengan cara berpikir seperti itu tanpa kita sadari kita bangun tembok / batas yang tidak dapat kita lewati.

Dua minggu lalu saya sangat diberkati oleh kotbah from my Pastor. Dia menceritakan tentang berkat Hak Kesulungan, betapa besarnya berkat yang Tuhan berikan untuk anak sulung-Nya. Kristus adalah buah sulung (1 Kor 15:23), dan jika kita tinggal di dalam-Nya (Yoh 15:4), maka kita menjadi anak sulung dan tentunya berhak mendapatkan berkat Hak Kesulungan. Ada begitu banyak berkat dari Hak Kesulungan, dan salah satunya adalah berkat yang diberikan oleh Yakub ke anaknya, Yusuf. Secara lahiriah memang Yusuf bukan anak sulung dari Yakub, namun dia diangkat menjadi orang yang teristimewa dari saudara-saudaranya, dikarenakan Ruben yang semestinya anak sulung secara lahiriah telah kehilangan haknya karena melanggar kekudusan ayahnya. Berkatnya adalah "Yusuf adalah seperti pohon buah-buahan yang muda, pohon buah-buahan yang muda pada mata air. Dahan-dahannya naik mengatasi tembok." (Kej 49:22)

Dahan-dahannya naik mengatasi tembok, it means kita bisa melewati batas-batas dalam kehidupan kita. Batas apa pun itu, ketika kita mendapatkan berkat Hak Kesulungan ini kita akan sanggup melampauinya. AMIIIIIIINNNNNNNN...
Pendapatan kita tidak terbatas hanya oleh slip gaji kita setiap bulan, study kita tidak terbatas oleh pengalaman nilai-nilai ujian yang kita dapat di masa lalu. Kita dapat menerobos, melampaui batas kita. Ketika kita 'abide in Christ Jesus' kita diangkat menjadi anak sulung-Nya dan mendapatkan janji-Nya 'Beyond the Limit'.
"Akulah pokok anggur dan kamulah ranting-rantingnya. Barangsiapa tinggal di dalam Aku dan Aku di dalam dia, ia berbuah banyak, sebab di luar Aku kamu tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa." Yoh 15:5

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